How to Connect Startimes Decoder to Tv
If you have come here to learn how to connect Startimes Decoder to TV, or to Phone, I can assure you that you are at the right place.
Connecting your Startimes Decoder to your television, phone, or even to a projector is very simple. On this write-up, we will take you through the step by step guide on how to connect your decoder to any screen. It is something that everyone should be able to do.
See also How to install Startimes decoder
Table of Contents
How To Connect Startimes Decoder to Tv
Connecting your Startimes decoder to a television should be the simplest thing to do. There are two simple options available to any end user of Startimes to connect their decoders to Tv. Both options are found at the rear of any modern Startimes Decoder in the market these days.
The two ports that can be used to connect the Startimes antenna to Tv are as follows;
How to Connect Startimes Decoder to TV Through The AV Port.
The Audio Video Port (AV) port is about the simplest way to connect your startimes decoder to a television. Be aware that the AV port brings out analogue signal from the decoder. The name of the signal is CVBS which stands stands for Composite Video Baseband Signal.
The most useful functionality of the AV or CVBS Port is to connect your decoder to your Tv.
AV is the main port that transmits quality TV decoders to other equipment, including TV sets.
Take the following steps to connect your Startimes decoder to Tv;
- Take the Mini Jack end of your AV cable and connect to the Port labelled 6 in the Image above.
- Then connect the other end of the Cable to your television.
- Be sure to observe the colour codes on the Cable and ensure that the cable is connected to the correct Port.
- Yellow end of the Cable goes to the yellow port of the tv (that’s the Port that carries the video.)
How to Connect the Startimes Decoder to TV through the HDMI Port
The High Definition Media interface (HDMI) port allows you to get clear video signals from the decoder to the tv. The signal from this port is digital and therefore is clearer than the signal from the AV port.
See also How to pay for your Startimes subscriptions online
Clear Signals go to TV sets directly from this port. Ensure that your Tv set has a HDMI port before you consider this option.
The HDMI port of the Decoder is labelled 8 in fig 1 above.
Can I use HDMI and AV at Same Time?
You can use both at the same time. Wondering what RCA means? RCA is the professional name of the connector we call AV . RCA stands for Radio Corporation of America.
So if for any reason you may want to use both ports at the same, either for two Televisions or on the same television, it’s completely possible.